As a child I was born lactose intolerant and was switched to soy formula. I was less than two years old when I was hospitalized with pneumonia and asthma. Allergies manifested later and I hated pulling weeds because of the sneezing and itching. Then strep became a regular experience and it would knock me down with a painful throat and body aches. As an adult I continued to get strep and allergies. The allergies kept me from tending my garden or mowing the lawn and enjoying summer. One year I had one cold after another and I could feel a buildup in my chest. My digestion was a mess. I couldn’t sing anymore. I was depressed and had no energy. The doctors had no idea what to do with me except to put me on Prozac and Synthroid. When the doctor told me to double my dose, I want looking for something natural!
After being introduced to Young Living and Essential oils learned about building my immune system and cleansing the toxins from my body and supporting it with Young Living products, eating a healthier diet and releasing negative emotions. It has taken some effort, but I am free of allergies, and I rarely get sick anymore and if I do, I can get well quickly. I have seen many benefits of overcoming depression (free of drugs) healing burns, strep, bee stings, wounds, headaches, infections, nausea, PMS symptoms….the list could go on. I have been able to help my family save thousands of dollars o medical bills. Young Living has given me the freedom to be a stay-at-home mother while earning a full-time income working part time from hone by sharing with others. Now that my husband has retired from our ranching business, our Young Living income had provided a steady income.
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